Steven Spielberg: "gy gondolom, mindannyian egyetrtnk abban, hogy Dakota Fanning-nek van egy adottsga. Egy nagyszer adottsga, melyet hl’ Istennek nem von krdre, s igazbl, nem is tudja, hogyan vlaszolhatn meg az ilyen krdseket. s ez lenne az adottsga: fogalma sincs rla, milyen tehetsges is , milyen gyorsan kpes tlni egy szitucit, felfogni a lnyegt, tgondolni, hogyan is reaglna valjban, egy igazi szituciban s minden alkalommal a valsgot mutatni, minden alkalommal, mikor azt mondom: ’Felvtel!’. Klns ltni, milyen kvetkezetes is a maga tiszta, termszetes becsletessgben."
"I think we all agree that Dakota Fanning has a gift. And she has an incredible extraordinary gift that, thanks goodness, she does not question, and she actually doesn't know how to answer questions about it. And that is also her gift: that she's unaware of how talented she is and how quickly she understands a situation in a sequence, how quickly she sizes it up, measures it against how she would really react in a real situation, and tells you the truth every time I say 'Action!' She just tells you the truth. It's extraordinary to see how consistent she is in her pure, unadulterated honesty"
Brittany Murphy: "Kimagaslan blcs, s rendkvl eszes, agyafrt, s intelligens. Egyike a legnagyszerbb, legkiegyenslyozottabb, legalaposabb embereknek, akikkel valaha is tallkoztam letemben."
"Extremely wise, and so bright, sharp, and intelligent. She's just one of the greatest, most balanced, grounded humans I've ever met in my entire life."
Mike Myers: "Olyan des, hogy az ember legszvesebben beleharapna az arcba. Nem megsrtve a brt, csak megrgcslni."
"She's so sweet you just want to bite her face. Not break the skin - just gnaw"
Robert De Niro: "Dakota egy csodlatos, klnleges, tehetsges sznszn, az egyik legprofibb, akivel valaha is dolgoztam."
" Dakota is a wonderful, special, gifted actress and one of the most professional I’ve worked with."
John Polson: "Manapsg Dakota olyan keresett, hogy mr nem kell neki tbb meghallgatsra mennie, ritkasg a gyereksznszek kztt.”
"These days, Dakota is so in demand that she no longer auditions for films, a rarity among child actors."
„Elgedett vagyok a filmmel, de igazn kivteles lny, s semmi sem olyan fontos, mint megvdeni ezt, megvdeni t. De ha brkinek is van egy jelenete, az az v.”
„ I’m pleased with the film, but really she's a very special girl, and nothing is more important than protecting that, protecting her. But if anyone has a shot, it's her."
Cindy Osbrink: ” mindenrt olyan hls, a semmirt is...”
" She's so grateful for anything and everything."
Spencer Breslin: „Olyan klassz a hgommal [Abigail Breslin] lenni, mint Dakotval. a legnagyszerbb lny, akivel dolgoztam. Mindig nagyon felkszlt volt s ebben olyan, mint a hgom, aki szintn sznszn.”
"I get along great with my sister and I got along great with Dakota. Dakota was a great girl to work with. She was always very prepared and it’s the same with my sister who is also an actress."
Tom Cruise: "Nagyszer. Nagyon tehetsges sznszn. A valsgban is nagyon des, vicces. Sokat nevettnk. Igazn pratlan szemlyesg. Nagyon jk voltak azok a jelenetek, amikben egytt voltunk. Olyan emberekkel akarok dolgozni s remlheten olyan krnyezetben, ahol azt akarom, hogy az emberek boldoguljanak s jl menjen nekik, s Dakota abszolt ezt tartotta rlam. Egyszeren imsom, nagyon des! "
„She is great. She is a very talented actress. Just personally, a sweetheart and funny. We laughed a lot. She is a really unique person. The scenes that we had together were very good and I want to work with people and hopefully create an environment where I want people to thrive and do well and she absolutely was there every take for me. I just love her. She is a sweetheart."
"Csak azt ltod, hogy milyen pratlan szemlyisg. s azt, hogy flelmetes ember. Feddhetetlen viselkedse van. Ksznleveleket r.”
"You just see that very unique talent. And also, she's a terrific person. She has impeccable manners, too. She'd write thank you letters."
”Aranyos. Rendkvli mdon tehetsges s csupa rm vele dolgozni.”
" She's just lovely, enormously talented and is so much fun to work with."
" rendkvli kilencves. Szereti az letet, a gyerekkort, olyan rokonllek, energikus boldogsg. Nagyon ids lelke van, rendkvl blcs, olyan okos, les, intelligens. Egyike a legnagyszerbb, legkiegyenslyozottabb embereknek, akikkel eddigi letem sorn tallkoztam. Szeretem.”
" She is extraordinary at being 9. She loves life, she loves childhood, she is such a kindred spirit, energetic joy. She also has a very old soul, and she is extremely wise, and so bright, sharp, and intelligent. She's just one of the greatest, most balanced, grounded humans I've ever met in my entire life. I love her.."
”Mindenki kzl Dakotval szerettem a legjobban jtszani.”
" Most of all, I enjoyed working with Dakota"
” a legjobb kilencves, akit valaha lttam. Fktelenl intelligens, faltam az sszes idt, amit vele beszlgetve tltttem. Dakota egy napsugr, s nyilvnvalan blcs a korhoz kpest. A lelke olyan reg s gynyr. Intuitv az emberek irnt. Ez az egyik tulajdonsga, ami olyan brillins sznsznv teszi, az hipertudata az emberek rzseirl, s az szintesge. Ettl eltekintve gy tudsz vele beszlgetni, mint a legjobb bartnddel, de nem tudod elfelejteni, hogy csak kilenc ves. Kilenc ves s elragad, hihetetlen rzke van a humorhoz. Olyan vicces, amilyen hossz a nap. Kuncogs kisnyuszi, cignykerekezik velem.”
"She's the best at being nine that I've ever seen. She is so wildly intelligent. I could eat up all the time in the world to speak about Dakota. Dakota is a ray of sunshine and obviously wise beyond her years. Her soul is so old and beautiful. She is so there and intuitive of other people. That's one of the attributes that makes her such a brilliant actress, her hyperawareness to other people's feelings and her openness. But aside from that, you could talk to her like your best girlfriend, but you can't forget she's nine. She is nine years old and she has the most adorable, hysterical sense of humor. She's as funny as the day is long. She's a giggle bunny and will do cartwheels with me."
”Dakota csupa szeretet, fny, boldogsg, brillins tehetsg sznszn, ahhoz is van tehetsge, hogy emberbart legyen. Napfnyt sugroz amerre csak jr.”
"Dakota is love, light, joy and happiness, brilliant talent as an actress, but she's even more talented at being a humanitarian. She spreads sunshine wherever she goes." |